
Pioneering Industrial Sustainability-POSITIVE IMPACT ON SOCIETY

Energy Alliances Companies Representation’s Social Agenda is to advance the well-being of the people throughout its whole value chain. We respect human rights and consider them in each aspect of our approach to sustainability. Our Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policies provide the ethical guidelines for our daily business activities.

Energy Alliances Companies Representation want to ensure high safety standards for the employees and contractors involved in our operations. Much of our business involves working with hazardous materials in challenging environments. This is why we put a great effort into ensuring sufficient training and instructions for all parties. Furthermore, we keep track of the possible incident rate, investigate the reasons and take risk mitigation and prevention actions for the future.

Although we are a global company, we work with local networks. To better understand and meet the needs of communities we work with, we partner with local companies. Our Sponsorships and Donations Policy guides our community investments through which Energy Alliances Companies Representation strives to make a positive social impact. We have delivered community projects targeting abolition of child labour, improving education and gender equality.

Energy Alliances Companies Representation is committed to respecting human rights not only in our operations, but through our whole value chain. We work to ensure such protection by conducting human rights due diligence procedures to identify, assess and remedy human rights risks and impacts.

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